kenneth best

Marine Corps Veteran

Kenneth Best


Monrovia, Liberia


Winter 2021

Favorite Baked Goods

Rice Bread, baked with ginger and ripe bananas

Kenneth Y. Best, Jr. was born in Monrovia, Liberia, in 1983 and came to the U.S. in 1994. He lived in Los Angeles, California, briefly before moving to Silver Spring, Maryland. After graduating from Winston Churchill High School in 2002, Kenneth enlisted in the United States Marine Corps as a field artilleryman with the 1st Marine Division. A decorated veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom I and II, Kenneth's duties involved organizing munitions in theater and training state-side. Kenneth also served as the vehicle's gunner for his team on long convoys. Most notably, Kenneth received a Navy Achievement Medal for his role in producing a slideshow of his unit's second deployment in Iraq. 

After exiting the Marine Corps, Kenneth briefly joined the DC Army National Guard as a telecommunications specialist. In 2018, Kenneth earned an associate's degree in Digital Filmmaking and a bachelor's degree in creative writing in 2020. Kenneth hopes to gain the knowledge, experience, and consistency necessary for running a successful business through creativity, service, and innovation. Dog Tag Inc. is the next step in that journey.

Kenneth's favorite baked good is a family recipe called rice bread, baked with ginger and ripe bananas.

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